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Welcome to Genuine Realty

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Our passion for real estate, helping the community, and teaching financial literacy, leads our clients to successful real estate transactions and an overall enlightening experience.

Our Services


Get a Cash Offer


Buy or Sell with a Realtor

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Ugly House? Let's Partner


Save Your Home


Invest in Real Estate


Properties Saved With Partners


Cash Offers Made


Transactions Closed


Partnerships Made


Resources & Tips

From finding the right real estate agent to securing a mortgage, our resources will guide you every step of the way.

Get a Cash Offer

Cash offers may not always be the highest price, but will usually be the most convenient.

Buy or Sell with a Realtor

Experts can help strategize and negotiate to obtain the best outcome for you when selling or buying a home.

Ugly House? Let's Partner

Through Partnerships you can tap into more of your equity and maximize potential of profits

Save Your Home

There are options to remedying the relationship with bank cure your loan default through proper negotiations.

Invest in Real Estate

Whether you're a new or experienced investor, we're always open to joint ventures, helping you break through in wealth building with real estate.

About Jessica

With decades of experience in financial planning and investing in real estate, we possess the perfect set of skills needed for strong representation and your protector of rights for all your real estate transactions. 

Our passion for real estate, as well as our passion to help the community and teach financial literacy, lead our clients to successful real estate transactions and an overall enlightening experience.


“First time home buyer! Thanks for your love and support, and helping me get to where I’m at now. Forever grateful and happy to say I made my parents proud

thank you Jessica Amariles Torres for being the best real estate agent I could've ever worked with and you made it super easy for me.”

Sean Sia, CA


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Having issues with your mortgage?

Get educated and the support you need with our partner helping people with 

Free advice about foreclosure options such loan modification, bankruptcy, or any other real estate needs

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Need Mortgage Loans?

We will help you maximize approval for a loan through education of tax, income and financing requirements 

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Need other types of loans?

We partner with Omnia Capital to provide the best Investor Loans

Fix & Flip, Bridge Loans, Constructions Loans, DSCR Loans

Luxury Home

Ready to Get Started?

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